Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bjorn Borgs journey home to Norway - Part 1

As some of u know i managed to forget my boxer and some other stuff in Brasil, an luckily my friends Erin and Marcus was kind enough to take care of it until we meet again in Norway

And until we meet again my Bjorn Borg boxers i keeping me updated on its travels:

Hi Inge,
Forgetting something??? Did I do something to upset you...rash, chafe...what? Why else would you leave me hanging all alone on the balcony at Ilha Grande? Lucky for me Marcus and Erin agreed to see me home safely. As you can see by the photos they're really looking after me. They even got me my own seat on the plane to London, not stuffed away in a backpack. And as soon as we got to London they took me to a local green and taught me this amazing football game the rest of the world needs to catch onto. They call it Aussie Rules!
Anyway, despite my disappointment in you for leaving me 'hung out to dry', I am looking forward to our reunion and giving you the support I know you need, once again.
Yours truly,
Bjorn xx

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