Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rio de Janeiro

Some British guy in the bar started talking about getting short hair again.. and as the nice guy i am i offered to do it right then and there free off charge! he was extremely happy!

I'm thinking : THIS IS GREAT!!
He`s thinking... What have i done!
Everybodys happy in the end
Hair donation....
Testing out my under water camera

feeling the power between our legs
Rio does of course have an Irish pub (2 actually) so we got too see the 1-1 away CL game Liverpool VS Arsenal.

the nuts are supposedly great! vitamin E - Antioxidant - Natural Viagra!! and Omega 3
this guy was a bit to heavy fore his beach chair
view of copacabana
wait for it... wait for it.....NOW!

That's what you get for staying too close to the beach
Joar is trying to impress the ladies... it doesn't work


Anonymous said...

fet t-skjorte

Anonymous said...

Hahaha som jeg ler. Sitter alene på lesehemsen på UiA og ler så jeg rister, folk tror jeg har et anfall eller noe ;)
Legg ut flere bilder da ;)

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